Monday, April 5, 2010

We Set A Date!

September 18th 2010

Is the day we are getting married!!! So Excited for OUR day! Mostly because I just Love Sean so much and I can't wait to share our love with our family and friends!

Church is set
Reception is set
DRESS is set :)


Wedding Countdown Ticker

Friday, March 12, 2010

And He's Off...

We have a RUNNER ladies & Gentleman!

Sean and I are going to visit his family tomorrow so we were scrambling trying to put our house back together since we won't have time this weekend to do all the fun stuff (laundry)

so i was sitting in our room folding clothes and i hear keaton talking just a little bit. i thought if we were down stairs we wouldn't come and barge in his room, he was not crying a bit........

NEXT thing i know he walks in our room with his blankie! He escaped from his crib. he is one smart boy, not only did he manage to get out but he didn't leave his friend behind. i wish i would have seen how he got out at least....if nothing more than my total amusement at the time.

so now what do we do....we have a convertible crib so that may be the next project. the last thing i need is for him to slip while climbing out of his crib in the dark and either a) chip more teeth or b) wander or worse yet fall down the stairs.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Would You Do It?

First, there is one thing you should probably know about me. I have expensive taste. you could give me 100 items and ask me to pick out my favorite, and without a doubt i would pick the one that cost the most. I have a hard time wearing things from the cheap young clothing stores ( i wont name any names but you know the kind i am talking about)

That being said, i pose a question. Would you do it?

Here is a picture directly from a designers website

and here is a dress from the cost difference is $1,000's of dollars

while i am looking for ways to save money-- i don't want to look anything less than a million dollars on my wedding day. so is the cost savings worth it?

Saturday, February 27, 2010

While the Cat's Away...

The Mice Will Play... Sean went down to Indy yesterday afternoon by himself to visit family and a friend of his. While he promised he would be leaving by noon the next day....if you know Sean-there will be no shock here that didn't happen...Keaton and I decided to stay at home and spend some quality time together. Especially since last weekend I was away at work overnight on Friday till Saturday evening so needless to say I missed my little monkey diddle.

This morning Keaton, Bushie, and I all went to target. which really was like the equivalent of a gigantic playground for Keaton. He didn't sit in the cart once and I forgot my list of things to get; so we spent the next hour running around the store seeing how many BALLS we could find. the things i needed to get didn't really matter, we weren't in a rush, and I tried to just enjoy my little spit fire of energy. For the most part he was really good he stuck close to his mom but after an hour of that mommy was tired. We had planned to go to the library afterwards but my tolerance for chasing my one year old needed to recharge.

At home Keaton helped me put away dishes, do a load of laundry, sweep the floor and, pick up his toys. this is the life. he is going to be a great husband someday let me tell you. Even the mundane house chores are fun and rewarding if I am able to spend time with my main man. We will try and tackle the library after his nap.

We miss you Sean. It's always better when were together. You and Keaton have your fun moments backpacking at St. Pats or walking the East Race but sometimes a boy just needs his mom. Even if it does involve laundry :)

Friday, February 26, 2010

1st Post

Little Monkey Diddle. What's That??? Our wonderfully amazing 19 month old son Keaton. The pride and joy, not to mention, STAR, of the family. Check him out. I FINALLY snagged a D-SLR around Christmas time so I am just a little photo happy. In fact I love it so much if I could make a living taking pictures I would.

The little monkey is just like his dad in so many ways. For one, HE LOVES BEING the COLD. Definitely not like his momma. So we take him out to the park or hiking when the weather is at least tolerable, and you would think he was in 7th heaven. Here we are in FEBRUARY at Kid's Kingdom having a ball.